





杨驰,博士,本科毕业于山东大学计算机系,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)获计算机科学博士学位(Ph.D),现任华中科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授。在高水平国际期刊、学报、会议发表论文共计40余篇。内容主要涵盖大数据处理,云计算,智能感知系统和数据库。多次在国际学术会议期刊上获最佳论文奖,多次获得澳洲政府和大学的奖学金、项目资助开展科研。曾长期在澳洲联邦科学工业组织CSIRO从事科研工作,受邀访问德国、香港和新西兰的相关科研单位开展合作研究。自2016年底,作为博士后研究员和讲师入职新西兰Unitec理工学院;2018年起入职澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,主讲信息安全管理,数据库系统和人机交互等课程;2018年,受邀成为新西兰奥克兰大学的访问学者。2019年11月至今,任职华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授,在CPSS实验室开展科研工作。曾担任多个会议的PC member, 包括 HPCC 202, IEEE Trustcom / BigDataSE / ICESS 2017, ACISP 2017和BDSE 2013等,还担任ADMA2020 Publicity Co-Chair。


新西兰国家商务与雇佣部项目,STRATUS Project (Security Technologies Returning Accountability, Trust and User-Centric Services in the Cloud) (https://stratus.org.nz), for New Zealand Government,子课题完成人(2018)。

澳大利亚联邦科学研究组织与悉尼科技大学联合科研项目,CSIRO&UTS joint research project “Fast Processing and Scheduling of Big Data with Cloud Computing”, 2013.



Yang, C. and Chen, J., Efficient Non-linear Regression based Compression of Big Sensing Data on Cloud, Big Data Analytics for Sensor-Network Collected Intelligence, Elsevier, 2017, ISBN: 9780128093931.

Yang, C. and Chen, J., A Data Stream View for Scientific Workflow. In L. Wang et. al (Ed.), Grid Computing: Infrastructure, Services and Applications, CRC, 2009.


Yang, C., and Chen, J., A Scalable Multi-Data Sources based Recursive Approximation Approach for Fast Error Recovery in Big Sensing Data on Cloud, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), published in January, 2019. (CCF A类;SCI)

Yang, C., Puthal, D., Mohanty, S. and Kougianos, E., Big-Sensing-Data Curation for the Cloud is Coming: A Promise of Scalable Cloud-Data-Center Mitigation for Next-Generation IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 6(4): 48-56, 2017.  

Yang, C. and Chen, J., A Scalable Data Chunk Similarity based Compression Approach for Efficient Big Sensing Data Processing on Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 29(6): 1144-1157, June, 2017. (CCF A类;SCI)

Yang, C., Liu, C., Zhang, X., Nepal, S., and Chen, J., A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big Sensor Data on Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 26(2): 329-339, 2015. (CCF A类;SCI)

Yang, C., Zhang, X., Zhong, C., Liu, C., Pei, J., Ramamohanarao, K., and Chen, J., A Spatiotemporal Compression based Approach for Efficient Big Data Processing on Cloud, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), 80(8):1563-1583, 2014. (CCF B类;SCI)

YANG, C., LIU, C., LI, J., YU, J. & WANG, J., A Query System for XML Data Stream and Its Semantics-Based Buffer Reduction. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (JRPIT). 42(2): 111-128. 2010. (CCF C类;SCI)


Yang, C., Liu, C., Zhang, X., Nepal, S. and Chen, J., Querying Streaming XML Big Data with Multiple Filters on Cloud, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Engineering (BDSE 2013), pp. 1121-1127, Sydney, Australia, December, 2013.

YANG, C., CARDELL-OLIVER, R. & MCDONALD, C., Combining Temporal and Spatial Data Suppression for Accuracy and Efficiency. In Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP2011). pp: 347-352. December, 2011, Adelaide, Australia. (ERA Rank B)

YANG, C., REN, K., YANG, Z., GONG, P., & LIU, C., A CSMA-based approach for detecting composite data aggregate events with collaborative sensors in WSN. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD11). pp: 489-496. June, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. (ERA Rank B)

YANG, C., YANG, Z., REN, K. & LIU, C., Transmission Reduction based on Order Compression of Compound Aggregate Data over Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proc. 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (ICPCA’11). October, 2011, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (ERA Rank C)

YANG, C. & CARDELL-OLIVER, R., An Efficient Approach Using Domain Knowledge for Evaluating Aggregate Queries in WSN. In Proc. 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP09). pp: 427-432. December, 2009, Melbourne, Australia. (ERA Rank B)

YANG, C., LIU, C., LI, J., YU, J. & WANG, J., Semantics based Buffer Reduction for Queries over XML Data Streams. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC), CRPIT. 75. pp: 145-153. January, 2008, Wollongong, Australia. (Best Conference Paper & Best Student Paper Award). (ERA Rank B)

REN, K. & YANG, C., Building Quick Service Query List (QSQL) to Support Automated Service Discovery and Composition. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education. pp: 4 (Key Note), 2008. (大会特邀联合报告)


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